WildSNaP: Wildlife in Solar through Native Planting
The WildSNaP Project uses repeated sampling of a broad array of wildlife taxa and community occupancy modeling to disentangle factors influencing biodiversity within solar facilities, including:
Site Variables: Array Size, Age, Panel and Fencing characteristics, Habitat features such as Wetlands or Pollinator Habitat
Management Variables: Ground Cover, Mowing Frequency, Vegetation Characteristics
Landscape Variables: Ecoregion, Surrounding Land Cover, Proximity to Wetlands, Streams, Forest Patches
Traditional Turfgrass
Native Vegetation
Study Design
Working in partnership with several solar companies and site managers, we aim to sample at least 45 solar sites over 3 field seasons
Sites managed for native vegetation cover, either through seeding or selective management with mowing and herbicide
Sites under traditional mown grass or gravel management
Sites vary broadly in size, age, surrounding landscape, etc.
Each solar site is paired with a nearby control site typical of land that would be converted to solar in the region (hayfield, cattle pasture, row crop, or mown grass)
Sites located in Arkansas and eastern Kansas, spanning the Eastern Great Plains, Interior Highlands, Mississippi Alluvial Plain, and Western Gulf Coastal Plain Ecoreions.
Field Methods
We are sampling wildlife using repeated low-intensity/remote sampling methods:
Automated Audio Recorders
Breeding birds
Wildlife Cameras
Terrestrial Mammals
Reptiles and Amphibians
Visual Surveys
Reptiles and Amphibians
Detailed Vegetation Sampling
Analyses and Products
Peer-Reviewed Scientific Publications
Presentations and Conferences
User Implementation Manual for Practitioners and Regulators
Outreach and Education
Throughout the life of the project, we are sharing information about the project through public speaking events to a wide array of audiences. Our presentations include discussions of wildlife habitat requirements, often with live animals, and how those requirements can be achieved within solar arrays. Typical audiences include K-12 school groups, summer camps, conservation organizations, and community events. If you are interested in having us come talk to your group, please contact Dr. Willson