Current Lab Members
Post-doc Ethan is studying wildlife communities in solar arrays
PhD Student Ethan is studying population biology of Western Chicken Turtles in Oklahoma
PhD Student Ben is studying Herp communities in solar arrays under varying management regimes
MS Student Elizabeth studied box turtles as an undergraduate and is now studying aquatic turtles for her Masters
MS Student Isaac is using accelerometers to study Burmese python feeding ecology
Undergraduate Honors Student Hunter is studying factors influencing snake mortality in prescribed burns
Lab Alumni
MS - 2024
PhD 2024 Mitchell studied the ecology of Northern Saw-Whet Owls in Arkansas
PhD 2021 Meredith studied ant predation on reptile eggs in Arkansas and Costa Rica
BS Honors 2021 Hannah studied the effects of fire ant envenomation on hatchling snakes
PhD 2020 Chelsea studied conservation of Crawfish Frogs in Northwest Arkansas
Postdoctoral Researcher (2016-2019) Jen worked on road-based density estimation
BS Honors - 2019 Jenna studied diet of invasive seal salamanders in Arkansas
BS Honors 2019 Bailey studied evaporative water loss of semi-aquatic snakes in Arkansas
PhD 2019 Jackie studied conservation of stream-associated herpetofauna in managed forests
MS 2017 Kelly studied stream salamander responses to harvest in managed forests.
Undergraduate Researcher Alex studied prairie herp communities in Arkansas
Undergraduate Researcher Clint studied invasive Seal Salamanders in Arkansas
MS 2017 Phil studied semi-aquatic snake communities in South Carolina
Undergraduate Researcher Logan studied the effects of exotic vegetation on Crawfish Frog development
MS 2015 Kate studied the effects of pollutants on amphibian development
Undergraduate Researcher - Virginia Tech Stephanie studied maternal transfer of mercury in watersnakes
Undergraduate Researcher - Virginia Tech David studied mercury bioaccumulation in snakes
REU student - SREL Andrew studied semi-aquatic snake communities in South Carolina
High School Student Researcher - SREL Evan studied behavior of Cottonmouths in isolated wetlands